Dr. Michael Spreitzenbarth

Dr.-Ing. Michael Spreitzenbarth has studied Business-Informatics with a major focus on IT-Security and digital forensics at the University of Mannheim. Between the years 2010 and 2013 he worked as an PhD candidate and researcher at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. His research topics were forensic analysis of smartphones (mainly Android-based devices) and detection as well as automated analysis of mobile malware and other potential unwanted applications. During this time he worked as an freelancing consultant within numerous IT-Security related projects for various customers. Since April 2013 Michael Spreitzenbarth is working for Siemens AG with a major focus on securing mobile devices, incident response and analysis of business critical as well as potentially malicious applications. In his free time he is still doing research as well as consultancy in the area of mobile security (mainly mobile malware analysis and digital forensics) and is giving lectures and talks in the afore mentioned topics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences.

