dirty new media's post-glitch, ende tymes aware, angry stepchild. Like their predecessors, all D1THER_DØØM provocateurs seek to maintain an enthusiastic practice of radical openness, critical thinking, counter/cyber/queer/goth/punk/alt/geek -cultures && aesthetics/experimentation/critical -scholarship. What D1THER_DØØM adds to the mix is a wholehearted adoption of death + sex cultures vis-a-vis a collective sense of blind, nihilistic joy; thanks to strong social support D1THER_DØØM has been reviewed as "rich, challenging, && alluring." magnify && parse: D1THER_DØØM (mayan new media + dither_fetish + glitter gloom) tracks the metamorphosis of the D1THER_DØØM movement beginning with mayan new media &&thru the emergence of dither_fetish + glittergloom to present the newest incarnation of the realities wherein expecting the unexpected (death_data) &&relinquishing/exercising control (sex_data) over information/data/art making is intoxicatingly seductive.