Ankit Giri

Speaker, presenter, and a blogger, Ankit has a diverse background in writing informational blogs. A penetration tester by profession with 4+ years of experience. Part time bug bounty hunter. Featured in Hall of fame of EFF,GM,SONY, HTC, Pagerduty, HTC, AT&T,Mobikwik and multiple other Hall Of Fames. He loves speaking at conferences, has given talks at RSA APAC 2018, BSides Delhi 2017, CSA, Dehradun,Cyber Square Summit, OWASP Jaipur and has been a regular feature at Infosec meetups like Null and OWASP Delhi Chapter. He also leads the show for Peerlyst Delhi-NCR chapter. He has an upcoming talk at RSA US 2019 on Mastering AWS pentesting and methodology.
