Al Potter

Al Potter is an Information Security veteran who has been a senior member of the technical staff at ICSA Labs since 1997. Since 2001, he has been dedicated to the Labs emerging wireless programs as the Manager of Technical Services. In this role, Mr. Potter worked to develop and refine test methodology and infrastructure, and actively participates as a voting member of IEEE 802.11 standards committee. Al's prior roles at the Labs have included hands-on testing of commercial firewall products and management of the Network Security Labs (including the firewall, IPSec, cryptography and IDS testing programs). Mr. Potter was deeply involved in the development of the criteria, processes, tools and procedures for the delivery of TruSecure Corporation's TruSecure product family, and he served as the initial Technical Lead for TruSecure Delivery Services. Prior to joining ICSA Labs, Al spent three years as a senior INFOSEC analyst with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), providing Unix system administration services to US Government customers. Before joining SAIC, Al served nine years as an Artillery Officer in the US Army, with extensive experience in tactical automation, nuclear surety and an overseas tour as a Battery Commander and Liaison Officer to the German 12th Panzer Division. He is currently a Major in the retired reserve. Mr. Potter holds a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Davidson College and completed more than three additional years of professional military education.

