Workshop: Android malware reverse engineering for the brave

Presented at VB2018, Oct. 4, 2018, 2 p.m. (90 minutes)

This workshop explains how to reverse engineer *Android* malware. It consists of several guided labs where participants work on real malware within a virtual environment. The malicious samples are all recent - less than a year old. After a quick tour of the basic skills and tricks to reverse engineer *Android* samples, the training covers the following topics: * Dealing with obfuscated samples * Writing Radare2 scripts * Hooking the malicious application with Frida Expected skills: * You should be at ease with Unix environments, and able to write quick (and dirty) code * There will be special labs that beginners can do at their own pace * The other labs (e.g Radare2, Frida, etc.) willl be of interest to more experienced reverse engineers Equipment: * Attendees should bring their own laptop, pre-installed with Docker (see below) * Note the workshop mostly consists of labs, so a laptop ***is* *necessary*** REQUIREMENTS: * 64-bit laptop * At least 6 GB of free disk space * Docker (community edition is fine) * SSH client and/or vncviewer INSTALL: * Install Docker and check it works * Pull the lab's image: docker pull cryptax/android-re:latest That's all! To test it: 1. docker run -d --name workshop-test -p 5022:22 -p 5900:5900 cryptax/android-re 2. If you use ssh: ssh -X -p 5022 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) 3. In the Docker container, run: emulator7 & Wait (may be long) to ensure the *Android* emulator opens up correctly



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