Knock, knock, knocking on PwC's door

Presented at VB2017, Oct. 6, 2017, 11:30 a.m. (30 minutes).

With a 225,000+ strong workforce which spans more than 150 countries, and with most major organizations in the world as clients, including most companies in the Fortune 500, *PwC* is on the receiving end of a wide variety of both commodity and targeted threat activity. This technical talk will not only outline how we deal with incidents, but will also detail some of the more interesting techniques and targeting we have observed recently against both *PwC* and its clients, with a focus on the details of the techniques as well as some of the adversaries behind the activity.


  • Bart Parys - PwC
    Bart Parys Bart has over eight years of experience in the IT industry and is currently a lead researcher in PwC's cyber threat intelligence team, responsible for tracking threat actors, their latest toolsets and methodologies. He has particular familiarity with ransomware. Bart speaks and understands the following languages: Dutch, English, French and German. @bartblaze


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