Robotnikoff at Troopers: Robots, Security, and Privacy. Part 2.

Presented at TROOPERS18 (2018), March 12, 2018, 4 p.m. (Unknown duration)

This presentation explores the intersection of robots, security, and privacy, and gives special attention to robot social engineering attacks - a concept that we laid the groundwork for last year. Part 1 of this presentation discussed how robots can use social abilities such as bribing, empathy, and so on to manipulate humans and perform social engineering attacks. This year, we demonstrate robot ability to social engineer through live demos using compromised tele-operated robots.


  • Brittany Postnikoff
    Brittany is a master's student in the University of Waterloo's Cryptography, Security, and Privacy laboratory where she researches the relationship between social robotics and computer security and privacy. Her current work focuses on how the social abilities of both humanoid and non-humanoid robots can create or exacerbate security and privacy risks, what factors contribute to these concerns, and how such circumstances may be mitigated.


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