My dog is a hacker and will steal your data!

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 19 (2017), Sept. 3, 2017, 2:30 p.m. (20 minutes).

This presentation is about a creative approach to intrusion tests, as the popular saying would say: “-The dog is man’s best friend” (he makes you feel good and secure). Let’s explore the vulnerability of layer eight, the human being, subject to error and the social engineering techniques; This is an innovative method, with art and style, will be simpler than it sounds; The dog will be used as an attack tool, which will carry a mobile phone hidden along with its pectoral collar. The attack vectors are triggered automatically without any human interaction. This may include geographically close attacks, such as fake Wi-Fi access points, cellular base stations or local user attacks on a network, we can exploit DNS hijacking, packet injection, Evil-Twin, rogue router or ISP, and many other variants. Furthermore, the target will connect to your rogue wifi access point and the rules are enabled with the DHCP configurations to allow fake AP to allocate IP address to the clients and forward traffic to a fake/malicious web-site; Then, the information can be stored easily as well the injection of malicious file to remotely control the victim. And it’s done. You can drop your hacker dog in a park and expect him to hack people for you, quietly, that’s perfect!


  • Rafael Fontes Souza
    Rafael Fontes Souza aka b4ckd00r is a Senior Information Security Consultant at CIPHER. He is a core member of Cipher Intelligence Labs - the advanced security team focused on penetration testing, application security and computer forensics for premier clients. He started studying at age 13 and since then has disclosed security vulnerabilities and has received recognition and awards from major companies such as Apple, Microsoft, ESET, HP and others. Being done hundreds of successful penetration tests for various organizations, including government, banking, commercial sectors, as well the payment card industry.


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