Discuss the top 10 things to damage-control both hacker pivots and insider leaks

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 18 (2016), Oct. 15, 2016, 5:30 p.m. (50 minutes).

In this interactive session we will discuss the top 10 things you need to know about how to damage-control both hacker pivots and insider leaks, in enterprise IT and the internet of everything.

We will discuss how hackers typically enter their target organization and then pivot on to valuable assets. As a basis for the discussion, I will present the top 10 things to do to control and monitor such hacker pivots, and accidental or malicious insider leaks. Examples will illustrate hacks and the controls you need to put in place to minimize the impact of hackers. These 10 things may help you save your organization.


  • Ulrich Lang
    ObjectSecurity founder & CEO; Ph.D. from University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory (Security Group) on access policies; Master’s Degree (M. Sc.) in Information Security from Royal Holloway College (London) in 1997. Ulrich is a renowned thought leader in access control policy, model-driven security, and Cloud/SOA/middleware security, identity & access management. He is on the Board of Directors of the Cloud Security Alliance (Silicon Valley Chapter). He is co-inventor and co-developer of ObjectSecurity’s OpenPMF product. He delivers some of the professional services Objectsecurity offers He has published over 150 papers/presentations, and has previously worked as a proposal evaluator, project evaluator, conference program committee, panel moderator, consultant, book author.


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