Mephisto: IoT's overlord of doom

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 17 (2015), Oct. 24, 2015, 5 p.m. (50 minutes)

Mephisto is a mesh network of penetration testing devices, geared to attack wireless and wired devices on a target network. Each node of the network is one or more of: controller, router, extender, end node. End nodes can be tailored for a specific attack vector, e.g. MitM an ethernet endpoint or attacking 802.15.4 networks. End nodes will relay their findings back to the controller, where the operator may manually decide the next steps, or run a scripted attack sequence. Computation will be dispersed hierarchically based on available power and job load of each device. My goal is to allow even novice physical penetration testers to accomplish significant coverage over the networking/IoT portions of a physical penetration test. Novice to senior members who take part in red team/physical penetration tests will be interested in how this can make their job easier, and their work more powerful.


  • Onics
    Security consultant just entering the field. Focused on embedded tech and wireless devices. The new resurgence of A.I. is awesome, and I am really excited to see what comes out of the DARPA PPAML challenge. New ideas about how tech works (and breaks) in our lives are one of my favorite things about attending conferences like this. I hope to give even a small fraction of what I receive.


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