30 Cons in 5 Years

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 17 (2015), Oct. 25, 2015, 4 p.m. (20 minutes).

For the past five years, we’re had the opportunity to attend many different infosec conferences domestically and abroad. In our presentation, we’ll discuss how we took several attributes for each individual conference, as both attendee and speaker, and put them on a scale. We were able to draw several interesting findings and correlations which allow us to generally provide constructive and concise feedback for conference organizers. Attendees will also be interested to see if they’re experiences are similar or different; this talk will be somewhat interactive so the audience can particulate in our research as well.


  • Jeremy Brown
    Jeremy is a security researcher focused on application security, largely involved in vulnerability research and development. He has gained extensive software security experience working at a large software company for several years on various projects including exploit mitigations, scalable fuzzing and kernel security. Hybrid research and tooling with both offensive and defensive research has improved how the product finds vulnerabilities and the robustness of the product’s code in order to be resilient against attack, respectively. Other interests include static analysis, penetration testing and all things fascinating in the field of computer security.
  • Rachel Shao
    Rachel is a Business Analyst who works to make data make more sense. She gains insight from the raw numbers to provide various kinds of projection in order to see where things are now and makes calls on where they’re going in the future. She enjoys number crunching in many ways and is a top advisor on many projects involving variance analysis and finacial forecast.

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