So you ZMAP'd the internet. Now what?

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 15 (2013), Oct. 19, 2013, 2 p.m. (50 minutes).

Portscanning the entire internet is now quick and easy. This talk will introduce tasa, an open source framework that makes it easy (even for people who don't code much) to build scale out work flows for followup analysis. Whether you want to catalog every internet connected heart monitor, or just screenshot every internal webserver in your organization, tasa can help you do it quickly. We'll talk about how to design your jobs so that they scale well, and how to automate provision and teardown of cloud resources so that you only pay for what you need. You'll come away from the talk with an understanding of how to build applications which can perform any scan or followup processing you can imagine in less than an hour.

During the course of the talk, we will run a full scale live demo which will scan the entire internet and then do something interesting with those results.

A basic knowledge of python is helpful, but not required for this talk. If you can copy-paste shell command lines, you can get started scaling jobs using tasa.


  • Paul McMillan
    Paul McMillan is a security engineer at Nebula. He is also a member of the security teams for Python and Django. When he's not building or breaking clouds, he enjoys cocktails and photography.

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