Mask Your Checksums - The Gorry Details

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 15 (2013), Oct. 20, 2013, 3 p.m. (20 minutes)

When publicly submitting packet data, it is common wisdom to mask things such as your IP addresses. It is also advised that you mask your checksums, why? This talk attempts to beat this dead horse to the ground, with demonstrations and an open-source tool release.


  • Eric Davisson / XlogicX as Eric (XlogicX) Davisson
    Eric has degrees ranging in fields like criminal justice, engineering, and business (from Accociates to Masters). He has a security analyst day job and owns the domain. Eric is interested in obscure languages like whitespace, brainf**k, and non-0×86 assembly. He's presented at Hackers on Planet Earth 9 (Explosive Steganography), CactusCon (Doing it Wrong with Scalpel), and BSidesPHX. He is currently doing dumb stuff with TCP/IP.

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