Dude, Where's My Car? Reversing Tire Pressure Monitors with an SDR

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 15 (2013), Oct. 20, 2013, 2 p.m. (20 minutes)

Automotive tire pressure monitoring systems have been studied from a security and privacy perspective. This talk will take TPMS down - addressing specifics like radio modulation and packet schemes, and *code*. I will demonstrate the process I used to receive, identify, and decode the various tire pressure monitoring signal types. From what I've learned, I'll discuss the implications of driving around with the simplest of wireless endpoints dangling from your vehicle.


  • Jared Boone
    Jared is a life-long hardware hacker who is InfoSec-curious. Ordinarily, he's experimenting with new radio or embedded microcontroller or FPGA hardware, but can't help from wondering what secrets are hiding in the electromagnetic spectrum we're all swimming in.

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