What Journalists Want: The investigative reporters' perspective on hacking

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 14 (2012), Oct. 20, 2012, 6 p.m. (50 minutes).

From WikiLeaks to the News Corp phone-hacking scandal, hacking has become, for better or worse, a key element in the news-gathering process. Yet, most journalists still don't understand how to deal with hackers and hackers don't really get journalists, even though their goals, interests, styles and techniques often overlap. San Diego CityBeat staff writer will deliver a  presentation on hacking from an investigative journalist's perspective, then open up a discussion with Truthout's Jason Leopold.  Here's your chance to turn the tables and throw questions at journalists.


  • Dave Maass
    Dave Maass has worked as an investigative reporter for alt-weeklies in every state along the Mexican border and now serves as staff writer for San Diego CityBeat, focusing on civil liberties, criminal justice, campaign finance, government accountability and a lot of geek shit. He's covered Def Con and ToorCon, and his work using WikiLeaks' Cablegate to source local stories was featured in Columbia Journalism Review. For Sunshine Week 2011, he launched Flashlight.opensandiego.org, a hub for scouring public data and government records on the web.
  • Jason Leopold
    Jason Leopold is lead investigative reporter at Truthout.org, where he covers counterterrorism, national security, human rights, open government and civil liberties issues. He's been called a "FOIA Terrorist" by federal employees for his aggressive use of the Freedom of Information Act, which has included suing the FBI and forcing the agency to changes its policies. Leopold is the author of the national bestseller News Junkie and his recent investigative report, "From Hopeful to Immigrant to FBI Informant: The Inside Story of the Other Abu Zubaidah," is now available as an ebook.

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