Taking off the Costume: How Mobile Apps Pretend to be Secure

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 14 (2012), Oct. 21, 2012, 4 p.m. (20 minutes)

As we approach Halloween, let's take a minute to look at the gory guts of a real mobile attack. The interesting mobile attack vector is not usually on the mobile device in your hand, but lurking on the back end service where the most interesting data resides. This talk will show and demonstrate how to man-in-the-middle mobile traffic and then use the traffic to attack the backend services. Dan Kuykendall, Co-CEO & CTO of NT OBJECTives, discusses emerging application security threats in the latest technologies.


  • Dan Kuykendall
    Mr. Kuykendall manages NT OBJECTives' software development and handles NTO's relationships with several partner companies. He has an extensive background in web application development and security. As part of the Founding Team, Dan has been involved in the methodologies and design of NTO's flagship product since its inception. Dan joins NT OBJECTives from Foundstone, where he was responsible for the portal interface to the company's flagship product, FoundScan. Prior to Foundstone, Dan was the founder of the Information Security team in the United States branches of Fortis. Mr. Kuykendall is involved with Web Application Security Consortium, is regular contributor to many open source development projects. He was a founder of the phpGroupWare project and creator of podPress. Dan podcasts to educate the public about web application security issues from his blog at manvswebapp.com and as co-host of An Information Security Place Podcast. He has presented at B-Sides LA and has planned presentations scheduled at HouSecCon and AppSec USA.

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