Unlucky in Locks

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 13 (2011), Oct. 8, 2011, 6 p.m. (50 minutes).

A fun, anecdote-filled, patent diving adventure through some of the most interesting locks that failed to gain mainstream acceptance. Whether death by complexity, cost or competition, I'll show you my favorite locks from the unluckiest inventors and offer my insights as to why they failed to take hold. Look for everything from Barron's original Lever lock, to Emhart, to the Schlage Securekey (going off the market presently!).


  • Schuyler Towne
    Schuyler Towne is a competitive lockpicker with a passion for mechanical security. He has spent the last several years studying how security has effected culture, and conversely, how various cultures have approached lock engineering.


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