8 Ways to Hack a DAO

Presented at ToorCamp 2022, July 16, 2022, noon (20 minutes)

We'll cover some of the more nuanced, weird and off-kilter ways one might go about hacking DAOs, from Airdrops to Daoism, general hacks and social engineering. At the end, we'll hand out some DIY DAO Card Games where you can practice hacking a DAO yourself! No DAO experience necessary!

DAOs are interesting, newish governance mechanisms with shared treasuries, multi-sigs, and organizational ambiguities!

In this talk, we'll cover some of the more nuanced, weird and off-kilter ways one might go about about hacking DAOs, from Airdrops to Daoism, general hacks and social engineering. At the end, we'll hand out some DIY DAO Card Games where you can practice hacking a DAO yourself! No DAO experience necessary!


  • Caseorganic
    Amber Case works on building, breaking and hacking DAOs for a living at https://daodao.zone/. She enjoys forms of governance and group dynamics. Case has keynoted BSides and spoken at Defcon, and is the author of two O'Reilly books, Calm Technology and Designing with Sound. She has also built a DAO table top game which anyone can play. You can follow her on twitter @caseorganic!
