You Mom's New Hotness: Threat Intelligence: The Three Laws of Vanilla Ice Threat Intelligence Thermodynamics

Presented at ToorCamp 2018, June 22, 2018, 4 p.m. (30 minutes)

Threat intelligence is the new (old) hotness. Brief but scintillating history of threat intelligence in cyber and how your mother is involved. Even briefer (but still as interesting) discussion of the business of the TI industry. Workshop class covers the Three Laws of Operationalizing TI. (Stop, Collaborate and Listen, thanks Vanilla Ice.)

Workshop class is a survey of open source resources and a fun little demonstration of how to automate TI IOCs and stuff. Stop - integrate in an automation fashion TI into the defense-in-depth architecture. Collaborate - cross the boundaries between IR analysts and TH/TI analysts. Listen - Evolve from reactive to reactive and proactive.


  • Katie Kusjanovic
    Hyperactive, enthusiastic, love to share (what?). Nerdy but not nerdy enough. Humble and aggressive. Eleventy years in infosec/netsec/cyber. Filled with joy and curiosity. We have the technology, we have the power! I can't believe we're still messing about with phishing emails! Lulz. I enjoy learning and teaching and meeting and knowing people. I also am hoping to drag my children to nerd camp this summer.


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