You Are Only Human: (how to treat yourself and others that way)

Presented at ToorCamp 2018, June 22, 2018, 3 p.m. (50 minutes)

People to go into tech tend to want to focus on the concrete - but the first step in hacking a system is understanding it. You are only human - and all your friends are only human, too. If you want to make great things, you're going to need a team. Good management is learning how to program and load-balance people, and that includes self-care. Let's talk about how to reverse-engineer yourself, so you can genuinely care for yourself (and others) so that you're not constantly segfaulting. This talk will go into tools and methods for: a) recognizing when you're being a human instead of a robot b) how to get out of your own way when problem-solving c) how to build relationships with people rather than harshing on them d) how the "soft skills" can make you stronger technically e) demonstrations of why and how emotional labor is real work f) honest self-reflection g) building effective models of others The presentation will include handy checklists!


  • w0z
    I am a hardware hacking human. As an MIT-trained electrical engineer with a background in biomedical engineering, I know things! I did the hardware design for the DC17 and DC18 Ninja Badges, I've spoken at three Open Source Hardware Summits, and I was once honorably mentioned as an influential woman in embedded engineering. I deeply enjoy building things with friends for the sheer joy of it, and I care about helping people and removing the barriers that hold us back from being excellent to each other. I also firmly believe if you're focused on being hardcore, you aren't living right, and ain't nobody got time for that.


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