The Currency of Thought

Presented at ToorCamp 2018, June 23, 2018, 2 p.m. (20 minutes)

How do people actually think? This talk will argue that language is intimately associated with how we think and that current AI approaches are grossly misguided.

When you are solving a problem, how are you doing that? What is that little conversation going on in your conscious mind and just how are we doing that? This talk will explore the idea that we use language as the currency for thought. Language is what enables the exchange of ideas within your head and without a language, you literally wouldn't be able to 'think'. We will explore how this could work and how it compares to current AI approaches and why they are simply wrong.


  • Franklin Hu
    Franklin Hu is a mild mannered software engineer by day, but a mad scientist, karaoke singing house flipper by night. Franklin Hu works at a full time software engineering job but has many, many diverse hobbies. These hobbies include theoretical physics which explain gravity, magnetism and charge. He also plays the violin like Lindsey Sterling and sings competitive karaoke - reaching the finals in the Evergreen State Fair Superstar Karaoke contest. When he isn't doing either of those things, he can be found swinging a hammer and turning trash into cash by rehabbing houses. Check out the website or You Tube channel to learn more.


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