Presented at
ToorCamp 2016,
June 10, 2016, noon
(60 minutes).
Network Scanning for Mapping and indetifying Vulnerabilities is a time-consuming affair. While there is a tool for everything, it's a hard job for pentesters to focus on truly testing. Customers often don't understand their own network and running automated tools in corporate networks is a delicate situation without interference or interruption of any systems. Reports always have to be done yesterday, and in no time. This talk goes into performance of network mapping, vulnerability scanning automatisation and improvement of results for large scale networks.
Jens "ryd" Muecke
Jens is a German hacker living in Beirut, Lebanon. He's a co-founder of the attraktor hackerspace in Hamburg, Germany as well as one of the founders of KRYPTON Security, an information security comapny based out of the middle-east. He's also a member of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), and a conferance speaker. In his spare time, Jens builds things with micro-controllers and travels to hackerspaces and interacts with different communities around the globe. He also has a special place in his heart for Seattle, having lived there for many months.
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