The Hobbyists Guide to Making Organic Light Emitting Diodes

Presented at ToorCamp 2014, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration).

In 2009 I started my own venture to create an OLED for fun. In this talk I'll explain my motivation to learn about this area, how OLEDs function, the journey I took in getting the required knowledge, equipment, and materials, the functional devices I was able to make, and where I plan to go from here.


  • Ian Hanschen / furan
    Hacker/Self-Taught Programmer On the hacking side I've always been into software and hardware reverse engineering – either extending software to do what I want or repurposing existing hardware. Most of my hardware work these days is with FPGAs. Over the last 5 years I've taken up an interest in organic semiconductors, and have created my own somewhat ghetto organic semiconductor wetlab where I have successfully made organic light emitting diodes. Professionally I've been working on the graphics, input, and window management stacks in the Windows OS for the last decade. Previously Chief Technologist at Stardock Corporation where I worked on a lot of products to change the look and feel of Windows, as well as a few games.

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