Intergalactic Plantary: Internetz!

Presented at ToorCamp 2014, July 10, 2014, 11 a.m. (20 minutes)

In this talk, Aaron will cover the basics of spacecraft communication, challenges for that communication, and future systems such as the galactic internet. A discussion on what an interplaentary internet (outernet?) is currently planned to look like and could look like will be covered, with a lens of security for these proposed systems. Come learn about what protocols are in use, how to secure the future of space pr0n, how Vint Cerf is still rockin it, and why lasers are shooting out from the moon.

Some thought experiments will be had, some appreciation of the vastness of space revisited. Lets hack on and secure the future internet today, we don't want ARP spoofing on Mars, NSA mass monitoring for "astroterrorists", a lack of strict transport security, or finally, risk aliens sniffing our space packets. "Go ahead put my rhymes on trial. You stick around I'll make it worth your while."


  • Aaron Grattafiori / dyn as Aaron Grattafiori / dyn
    Aaron "dyn" Grattafiori is a principal consultant and research wrangler at a leading information security firm based in San Francisco. He has been a keyboard cowboy, hacking one thing or another for about 8 years now and enjoys learning about wireless communication, disruptive technologies, secure and anonymous messaging, and useability in security. He has spoken at several major security conferences on a range of topics. Aaron was also a founding member of Neg9, is a recently retired member of the Neg9 CTF team and is a current member of the Neg9 Core. Aaron has no "real" background in space, radio or optical communication systems but likes to dream of a world where space, hacking and robotics collide in some fantasitic way. Sometimes he tweets about stuff via @dyn___.

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