Security Policy and Regulation Trends for Security Researchers

Presented at THOTCON 0xB (2021) Rescheduled, Oct. 9, 2021, noon (120 minutes)

Security is one of the most evolving and impactful landscapes in the regulatory sphere. Proposed initiatives in the areas of Internet of Things Security and Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) and more are among the most active and developing areas of security regulation around the world. This talk would introduce the audience to the variety and influx of legal and regulatory concepts and proposals shaping the future of security focusing on recent trends. Highlights will include coordinated vulnerability disclosure, frameworks for secure development, supply chain transparency, researchers' collaboration, IoT Security, anti-hacking laws, and more. We will also talk about bug bounties and vulnerability disclosure, industry best practices in this area and recent trends, and how they may impact the security research ecosystem as a key stakeholder in this environment.


  • Dr. Amit Elazari
    Dr. Amit Elazari is Director, Global Security Policy at Intel Corporation and a Lecturer at UC Berkeley's School of Information Master in Information and Cybersecurity. She holds a Doctoral Law Degree (JSD) from UC Berkeley School of Law, a world leading institution for law and technology, and graduated summa cum laude three prior degrees. Her research in information security law and policy has appeared in leading technology law journals, presented at conferences such as Black Hat, RSA, USENIX Enigma, USENIX Security, BsidesLV, BsidesSF and DEF CON, and featured at leading news sites such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and the New York Times. In 2018, she received a Center for Long Term Cybersecurity grant for her work on private ordering regulating information security, exploring legal safe harbors for security researchers. She practiced law in Israel.

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