Making fake tweets with Transformers

Presented at THOTCON 0xB (2021) Rescheduled, Oct. 9, 2021, 2 p.m. (50 minutes)

Here we will go over how to make fake tweets using the transformers library created by Huggingface. It has a set of existing GPT-2 models that have been refined on twitter accounts. We will also compare the results to other systems like GPTJ, blenderbot and Dialogpt. We will also discuss making sock puppet accounts by using unrefined versions that can be used on twitter and other microblogging websites.


  • Joshua Jay Herman
    By day I am a Python Developer working on currency trading infrastructure with Bank of America. By night I work on an open source visual novel that is open ended and procedurally generated using various deep learning systems. I have experience in distributed and private ledger technologies, recommender systems for cryptocurrencies and social network analysis.

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