Hacking the Thotcon 0xB Badge

Presented at THOTCON 0xB (2021) Rescheduled, Oct. 8, 2021, noon (120 minutes).

In this workshop, attendees will learn the ins and outs of the THOTCON 0xA board. We'll cover the board's layout, components, and (some of the) code on the badge. We'll also teach you how to hack the badge to make a small toy. There will be no badge puzzle spoilers revealed in this workshop, though you may learn some interesting skills to help you overcome challenges. Bring your own laptops, cables, badges, etc.


  • Jay Margalus
    Jay is the Faculty Director of DePaul University's makerspace network. He is an industrial-game designer.
  • Rudy Ristich
    Rudy is the Vice President at Workshop 88

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