MIYK - Man in your keyboard

Presented at THOTCON 0xA (2019), May 3, 2019, 4:30 p.m. (25 minutes)

I will be discussing a new MITM device, which I have called (at least in the short term), man in your keyboard (MIYK). MIYK would be positioned between the keyboard and the target computer. This device is a combination of hardware and software that allows for the relaying and capture of keystrokes, as well as the injection of keystrokes to the target. It also leverages a few evasion techniques to avoid detection, such as mirroring the original keyboards configuration to the target computer as a means to remain hidden. This is in contrast to other HID gadgets that present a NEW keyboard to the target computer. I will be showcasing the above features and discussing the hardware and software requirements to deploy such a device. As this device has a direct connection, via USB to the target, it can also emulate other device types, such as a flash drive or network connection. These are not the primary focus of my talk, however, they are definitely capabilities of the device. Other tools have explored some of these attack vectors, including p4wnpi and bash bunny. These vectors allow for some interesting means of data extraction, which will be discussed. Finally, I will discuss how the platform this tool leverages allows for some type of remote access (via WLAN or cellular). This means these devices could be used to gain network access without having a new discover-able device on the network.


  • Jason Martinsen
    My kids call me the fixer. I like to understand how things work so that I can either fix it or tear it apart (those are closely related).

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