Extending Archive-Based Path Traversal Attacks

Presented at THOTCON 0xA (2019), May 3, 2019, 3 p.m. (25 minutes)

While recent research has shown that many archive utilities and libraries do not properly neutralize path traversal sequences (i.e. ../) in file paths while extracting archives like ZIP and TAR files, the research missed several long-known attack vectors in path traversal, some generally applicable to path traversal attacks and some dependent on quirky features of the archive formats themselves. For instance, did you know that a number of archive formats have support for symbolic links? This presentation will discuss the variety of path traversal attacks that are applicable to archive formats, the particulars of certain archive formats that can be useful in attacks both within and without the context of path traversal, and the results of the application of these techniques to real libraries and utilities."


  • Daniel Crowley / unicornFurnace as Daniel "unicornfurnace" Crowley
    Daniel has worked in infosec since 2004, is the author of FeatherDuster, and denies all allegations of unicorn smuggling.

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