Why I don't dial 911 - A pragmatic look at Public Safety Security

Presented at THOTCON 0x9 (2018), May 5, 2018, noon (25 minutes)

As technology advances and we begin to pull our nations 911 infrastructure out of the Stone Age the need to add practical security measures only increases. This talk gives a brief look back at the history of 911 including some recent breaches and outage along with what we are/aren't/should be doing to fix it going forward.


  • Hans B. Petersen
    Hans has been rummaging around the Internet since before there was such a thing as the World Wide Web. His areas of expertise include Unix, Digital Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Penetration Testing ... and partaking of the odd dram of whiskey.
  • Price McDonald as Price McDOnald
    Price is a perpetually curious person with interests in Hardware Hacking, Penetration Testing, Digital Forensics and Reverse Engineering.

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