Detecting Evil with Network Traffic Analysis

Presented at THOTCON 0x9 (2018), May 4, 2018, noon (100 minutes)

Network traffic analysis is pretty awesome and can provide a wealth of forensic information. This hands-on workshop starts with a quick overview of the the basics of how traffic flows and progresses to file carving and other advanced activities. I build my own packet captures to demonstrate a variety of protocols and network activity, both benign and malicious. Participants only need their laptop, Wireshark, and packet captures that will be provided via a Google Drive link. For those without devices, there is still value in watching the walk-throughs. I have given similar workshops in the past but always have new captures to keep it fresh.


  • Marcelle
    Marcelle has a fancy bio but mostly wants you to know that she loves analysis and spends most of her time in shiny cyber rabbit holes.

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