5Ghz Electronic Warfare

Presented at THOTCON 0x9 (2018), May 5, 2018, 1 p.m. (50 minutes)

In this presentation we will introduce a new feature to eaphammer: the ability to easily and reliably perform rogue AP attacks against 802.11n/802.11ac networks that operate on the 5Ghz spectrum. Although most hostapd-based tools for performing rogue AP attacks do support the creation of 5Ghz 802.11n/802.11ac access points, we are the first tool to do so reliably and without extensive manual configuration. We then developed a set of unified configs for hostapd that could be used to reliably perform rogue access point attacks using 802.11n/802.11ac on the 5Ghz spectrum. For added lulz, we even went so far as to implement the DFS and TPC features of 802.11h, making our rogue APs FCC and ETSI compliant by giving them the ability to detect and avoid interfering with aircraft radar. In this presentation we will describe how we did all of this, and demonstrate how these features have been implemented in the latest version of eaphammer.


  • Gabriel Ryan / solstice as Gabriel Ryan (solstice)
    Gabriel is a senior security assessment manager at Digital Silence. He is a dedicated purveyor of dank lulz and the finest of keks.

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