Cartero - Another Social Engineering Framework

Presented at THOTCON 0x6 (2015), May 15, 2015, 1 p.m. (50 minutes).

As we keep on reading on the news, Social Engineering remains one of the most important threats for information security. We can build secure systems, keep environments patched and still bypass them by means of tricking people into performing tasks or even bypassing security features for us. Because of this, I still perform research into new attack vector and way to compromise people by means of social engineering and social networks. In this presentation we will discuss a new tool called Cartero. Cartero is a modular Social Engineering Framework divided into simple to use CLI commands that perform independent tasks. During the talk we would introduce the tool, talk about a few commands and how it integrates to other tools.


  • Matias Brutti
    Matias Brutti is a Hacker at a startup, where he brings his hardcore Argentinean love of hacking and applies it with a smooth hand. A man of class, when he’s not using his intimidating mental prowess on the job, he likes to kick back with some Ghost in the Shell, a nice Malbec, and only the finest Argentinean meat or sushi. Matias performs penetration testing, code reviews, social engineering, web applications testing, identifies system vulnerabilities, and designs custom security solutions for clients in cloud, software development, telecommunications, and financial services. Not to toot his own horn, but he’s also been a featured speaker at such prestigious events, such as Microsoft’s Bluehat Security Briefings, Baythreat, Toorcon Seattle, and various BSides conferences, EkoParty, among others.


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