FR-2016 Red Team BackdorOS, in-Memory

Presented at Texas Cyber Summit 2019, Oct. 10, 2019, 3:30 p.m. (60 minutes)

In this talk, come witness BackdorOS a new stealth malicious in-memory OS through a demo that will then be released directly in your hands. This malicious OS, just like a regular OS, provides a software platform on top of which application programs can run. Then I will explore already-existing applications that can run on top of it and how to develop new applications for BackdorOS. Wait for it! I then touch upon how to detect and remediate such threat **Notes:** My company specializes in developing breach and attack simulation software. We’re focused on researching novel attack methods. This is one of the many projects that we publish. (Examples for past projects: “The Adventures of AV and the Leaky Sandbox” and “Crippling HTTPS with Unholy PAC”

