CS-2058 Build an Inspiring Company Culture to Get Great Results

Presented at Texas Cyber Summit 2019, Oct. 11, 2019, 2:15 p.m. (60 minutes)

Did you know that a company’s culture is a key defense against cyber threat? Consider that toxic, disengage company culture produces unhappy people. Unhappy people are less vigilant and less engaged in protecting a company from cyber attack. Most companies focus on Technology, Processes, but leave People to chance. Building a vibrant culture left to chance. Devoting time and resources to cyber security strategy and technology, but leaving company culture to chance is detrimental. People and company culture must be a key pillar of focus. In this dynamic, hands-on session, we will identify 3 leader habits, the 7 culture building blocks, and key steps to implement a magnetic culture. RESULTS: 1. Identify the current company culture and how it supports or detracts from goal-achievement. 2. Establish the 3 leader habits critical for a great culture and how to consistently apply those habits. 3. Identify the 7 culture building blocks and steps to implement. **Notes:** The IT and Cyber industry conferences often focus on technical, technology, or processes. A significant missing piece is the focus on people. People are the greatest vulnerability. From leaders under-prepared for their leadership role to dysfunctional company cultures that create environments where unhappy employees can create the conditions for significant cyber exploitation. This workshop will help leaders and decision-makers review where their company culture may be undermining their cyber security program.


  • Jenny DuFresne - DuFresne Solutions Group
    CEO of the DuFresne Solutions Group, a leadership training firm. The firm supports CEOs and mid-level managers to build great teams, reduce employee turnover, and create a thriving company culture. Jenny served 10-years in the United States Marine Corps. As a trailblazing leader, she founded the one of the first all-male public charter elementary schools in the US. Jenny writes about her experience in her bestselling book From Empty to Overflow. The book is written for women leaders who desire to create harmonious lives and lead well. Jenny holds degrees from Harvard University and George Mason University.


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