Forensics - ExFat Bastardized for Cameras

Presented at ShmooCon IX (2013), Unknown date/time (Unknown duration).

In forensics there is a new file system called ExFat. Microsoft has made a deal with the SD Card Association to make ExFat the standard for all SD cards over 32gigs. Microsoft has protected this property and is doing everything it can to collect licensing fees for ExFat for any device wanting to use the SD Associations standard. Many people do not know are happening and the changes in cameras, which will eventually affect every single new device from laptops, OSs, to tablets and phones.

We have all been blindsided and Microsoft now owns the market for SD larger than 32gigs and will BE PAID for every new device including Linux based due to this change in storage media. In turn this affects forensics, and adds additional costs to forensic equipment and software. I will break down this new format and show how this cost is implemented and educate people about SDXC, where it will be used.


  • Scott Moulton
    Scott Moulton is a Forensic Data Recovery Expert and runs Scott Moulton is an expert Forensic Hard Drive Data Recovery. Scott wrote and teaches a course all over the world to both the public and Private Sectors on Recovery. Scott focuses his efforts on dispelling the myths of data recovery by showing how you can rebuild your own hard drives, perform data recovery for investigations or as business venture. Scott gets hired all over the world to train investigators on how to recover the damaged media or equipment in their cases so that they do not have to send it out to expensive shops that don't know how to do Chain of Custody properly on the equipment. Scott believes that Forensic Cases involving damaged media are very specialized and finds them exciting.


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