So You Want to be an InfoSec Unicorn?

Presented at ShellCon 2021 Virtual, Oct. 9, 2021, noon (55 minutes)

"I didn't know this could be a job!"<br>I hear that from nearly ever security engineer I've worked with. Whether they're straight out of college or a seasoned engineer switching to security we all love this work so much it doesn't feel like a job.<br>People say finding great security engineers is like finding a unicorn, a great engineer demonstrates excellent technical and communication skills, and an unending well of passion for the industry. Can we be more specific on what we're looking for?<br>There are hundreds of resources dedicated to helping the next generation of security engineers establish their new career. This talk will help you know what to focus on.<br>We'll explore the differences between being part of a product security team vs. a security consulting firm. I'll also help you identify the expectations of the industry in both the technical and non-technical.<br>I will demonstrate in this talk that anybody with passion and dedication who understands the malicious mindset can find an awesome, rewarding role in security.<br>I've personally managed and hired more than 100 security engineers. My biggest passion is introducing people from every background to security.


  • Joe Basirico
    Joe has worked in the security industry for nearly two decades. He currently leads the ProdSec team at Highspot. Before tackling challenges of a rapidly growing startup he helped reduce risk for hundreds of other companies as the SVP of Engineering at a security consulting firm.


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