Pawn Takes Castle: Finding Your Way or Making One into Information Security

Presented at ShellCon 2021 Virtual, Oct. 9, 2021, 1 p.m. (25 minutes)

Breaking into the Information Security field can inevitably feel like laying siege to a castle: Sometimes, you feel the odds are against you, you are trapped in a paradox (experience to gain experience), lacking context or overwhelmed by the many routes you can take. In this talk, we will approach how to divide and conquer your siege of the castle, how to impose cost onto the gates and find the route into the industry toward the niche you desire.


  • Tigran D
    Tigran (th3CyF0x) is a Threat Hunter. He has been fascinated with languages, cultures, social psychology, military tactics and history since childhood. Tigran enjoys applying red teaming concepts to conduct threat hunting and is passionate about emulating adversaries. He also loves playing tennis and is an avid practitioner of Krav Maga.


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