Resumes the RaiseMe Way

Presented at ShellCon 2020 Virtual, Oct. 9, 2020, 5 p.m. (55 minutes)

We'll work with you in real time on your resume language, and you'll get group feedback and support on your job hunting situation. We'll also tell you about the job hunting dogma you need to avoid. Some of the people who have met in these groups stay in contact with each other long after the event is over, and return to give us good news about progress in their careers.

This is a ShellCon U class taught by the RaiseMe instructor team.


  • RaiseMe Training Staff
    The industry professionals on our team volunteer their time and expertise to help make your dreams come true. RaiseMe Events was born at ShellCon here in Southern California, and our biggest event every year is the RaiseMe Career Hall. We also contribute to other technology events around the country. We will share our slides or videos for any previous presentation you may have seen:


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