How I Created My Clone Using AI - Next-Gen Social Engineering

Presented at ShellCon 2020 Virtual, Oct. 9, 2020, 6 p.m. (55 minutes)

This talk is inspired by an episode of Black Mirror. I will be demonstrating a live demo creating a bot who talks like me and can be used to impersonate me online and do social engineering. I will be showing a live demo of how to create such bots over text, voice, or video and walk through various techniques that the attendees can use to create such smart social engineering attacks.

I will also release my GitHub of the AI notebooks as open-source for the attendees to try out and experiment.


  • Tamaghna Basu
    Tamaghna Basu, OSCP, GCIH, RHCE, CEH, ECSA, co-founder of neoEYED Inc. He has 15+ years of experience in the cybersecurity domain. He is a mentor for Stanford University Cyber Security Program and SANS certified mentor for the course - "Sec 504: Hacker Techniques, Exploits, and Incident Handling". His main areas of research include AI/ML, Web app security and network pen-testing, exploit development, incident handling, and cyber forensic. Being a software developer earlier, he worked in java, .net, ruby, etc. and various domains like finance, insurance, gaming, etc. He has won multiple hacking challenges and hackathons in the industry around the world from MasterCard, PwC, InMobi, NULLCON, Govt. of India, etc. He also presented in other security conferences like Black Hat, NULLCON, C0C0N, OWASP, ISACA, etc. Tamaghna was one of the core members of the NULL security community. Earlier, he facilitated Chennai/Bangalore NULL Chapters. He is a frequent speaker of NULL and OWASP meets, conducted multiple hacking workshops in NULL HUMLA. He is an active member of security communities like honeynet, NAISG, DSCI, Clubhack, etc. He also contributed to security magazines like Clubhack and ISACA journal. He has achieved various other certifications like Cyber Crime Investigation, Diploma in Cyber Law, etc.


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