houdinID: Lock ID and Security Ranking for Lockpickers

Presented at ShellCon 2020 Virtual, Oct. 9, 2020, 11:30 a.m. (25 minutes)

houdinID is a mobile application for physical pentesters to help them identify and strategize attacks against locks encountered in the field. Its dynamic quiz feature facilitates quick lock identification; photos of keyways can be matched with known keyways and key blanks; and its database, which provides information and attack advice on each lock, draws on research from the community of locksport enthusiasts and lock researchers. Moreover, this tool provides a security ranking for each lock that takes into account attacks not considered by current lock rating standards. Learn about lock identification and security ranking, and contribute your own intel to this community-driven project!


  • Tiffany Cheezem
    Tiffany Cheezem is a hacking apprentice with X-Force Red with a particular interest in physical pentesting. On the weekends, Tiffany can be found out in the mountains tracking ungulates and spying on birds, because got to find out if they're real.


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