How a Diverse Workforce Provides a Competitive Edge

Presented at ShellCon 2019, Oct. 12, 2019, 2:30 p.m. (20 minutes).

You may have heard about the lack of diversity in cybersecurity and wondered what that really meant to you. Perhaps you even asked yourself, "Why should I care?" The answer will resonate strongly with security professionals, who know they could never depend on only one tool during incident response. They use multiple tools, each one providing a different piece of valuable information and coming together to form a complete picture. This is analogous to the concept of team diversity, and during this discussion we'll explore how diversity can provide your operation with a competitive edge in the realm of cybersecurity.


  • Aspen Lindblom
    Aspen works a Threat Analyst at CrowdStrike and is the VP of WiCyS SoCal Affiliate. She loves analyzing files and logs to determine if the activity seen is legitimate or malicious, finding bugs, Python scripting and all things APIs.


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