How the hell does Monero work?

Presented at ShellCon 2018, Sept. 21, 2018, 3:20 p.m. (30 minutes)

Monero is a privacy focused cryptocurrency that uses 3 distinct cryptography techniques to provide user security: 1. Ring Signatures 2. Stealth Addresses 3. RingCT (Ring Confidential Transactions)

Each will be discussed with a technical overview of how they work and what benefit they provide. I'll also briefly touch on the fact that most extortion malware and crypto-mining malware is using Monero and how this compares to previous cryptography protocol advances such as HTTPS used by porn sites early on, but then eventually by banks.

Monero Kovri developer Anonimal will also join me on stage to discuss Monero's i2p router project Kovri, how it helps obscure meta-data about transactions, and how this enhances user privacy in a post-Snowden world.


  • Ken Scott
    Pwrcycle is a DDoS Network Security Principal Engineer and Bitcoin user since 2011. He was introduced to the privacy cryptocurrency Monero in 2016 and currently runs the Monero Los Angeles meetup. He has done mining, programmed a VPN to use Monero payments, organized the Shellcon 2017 CryptoCurrency Village, was a CFP review judge for the 2018 DEF CON Monero Village, and helped organize the DEF CON Monero Party. Twitter: @pwrcycle


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