Cloud Security on the Dollar Menu

Presented at ShellCon 2018, Sept. 22, 2018, 11 a.m. (50 minutes)

Are we in the cloud yet? Yes. It's not raining yet, but it will soon. In recent years, Fortune 500 organizations have suffered breaches and leaked data making the cloud scary. If you've got the big bucks, you can get fancy toys with pretty dashboards to protect your cloud, but what about the rest of us on the dollar menu budget? How do we protect our cloud? This talk will focus on basic AWS cloud security methodologies, benchmarks, and using free/cheap tools to blue-ify your cloud.


  • Arnel Manalo
    Arnel Manalo is a Cybersecurity Architect at Richey May Technology Solutions. Arnel has more than nine years of experience in the information technology and cybersecurity industry, with an emphasis on developing strategic security solutions for highly-regulated financial services and healthcare organizations. Arnel is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional and holds dual undergraduate degrees in Network Technology and Computer Systems Security from Colorado Technical University. Twitter: @arnsec


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