The Cat is Out of the Bag: Regulating AI in Canada

Presented at CanSecWest 2024, March 20, 2024, 5 p.m. (60 minutes).

The Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (Bill C-27) is in the first reading stage in Parliament. The legislation purports to regulate AI as part of sweeping reforms related to technology in Canada. Will this regulation change the application of AI to cybersecurity? Are there loopholes? Is it too early for regulation? Will regulation go too far or not far enough? How we attempt to regulate AI tells us much about how we view emerging technologies from both philosophical and practical perspectives. I’ll review the legal landscape of AI in Canada and discuss our attempts to regulate emerging technologies in the broader social and political context of who we are and where we’re going.


  • Anna Manley - Manley Law Inc.
    Anna Manley is an internet and privacy lawyer based in Sydney, NS. She is the principal of Manley Law Inc. and founder of Advocate Cognitive Technologies Inc. Anna advises companies and individuals on all things law and tech related.


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