Developing Secure Software in 2024

Presented at CanSecWest 2024, March 21, 2024, 1:30 p.m. (60 minutes).

As humanity increases its dependence on computer systems, the need for safe and secure software becomes paramount. Today, everything from planes, trains, and automobiles to toothbrushes and cooktops contain a multitude of tiny computers. Each of these systems, in turn, contain software written to tell these computers how to do their jobs and connect them with other computers. Security problems in these systems, while context dependent, have led to consequences ranging from minor annoyance to loss of human life. During this presentation, the speaker will discuss problems that erode our trust in computers and propose solutions that can lead to a better future. Trust suffers due to problems that arise from within both the software development and computer security industries. If humanity hopes to achieve a better future, we will need to learn from our collective mistakes and invest in not repeating them. Luckily, modern tools and techniques can help us get there. Just a few key shifts in our approach can make a world of difference.


  • Joshua Drake
    Joshua "jduck" Drake is a software developer, vulnerability researcher, reverse engineer, author, and public speaker with over 15 years of professional experience. He focused a majority of his career in the software space where he discovered, analyzed, and/or developed exploits for hundreds of security problems. jduck spent a decade focused on Android security (2011 and 2021). During that time, he took the lead on authoring the "Android Hacker's Handbook" and bringing the "Stagefright Vulnerabilities" to the public eye. Nowadays, jduck is researching the security of the tiny computer systems that are increasingly embedded into everyday devices. When time permits, he likes to participate in Capture the Flag events and spend time with his family and friends.


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