Attacking Kubernetes

Presented at CanSecWest 2024, March 21, 2024, 5:50 p.m. (70 minutes).

Kubernetes adoption continues to soar as organizations of all sizes create clusters for a wide variety of purposes, like data science, machine learning, managing diverse compute workloads, and creating SaaS and PaaS offerings. In this demo-heavy talk, we’ll introduce/refresh your understanding of Kubernetes, then demonstrate attacks (including Leaky Vessels) and tools (including Peirates).


  • Jay Beale - InGuardians
    Jay Beale is CTO and CEO for InGuardians. He works on Kubernetes, Linux and Cloud-Native security, both as a professional threat actor and an Open Source maintainer and contributor. He's the architect of the open source Peirates attack tool for Kubernetes and Bustakube CTF Kubernetes cluster. Jay helps create and run DEF CON’s Kubernetes CTF, is a member of the Kubernetes organization, and previously co-led the Kubernetes project’s Security Audit Working Group. Since 2000, he has led training classes on Linux & Kubernetes security at public conferences and in private training. Jay can’t seem to stop running and, unrelatedly, enjoys talking with people about ADHD and neurodiversity.


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