XSS mitigation: the state of the art

Presented at BSidesSF 2022 Rescheduled, June 5, 2022, 4:30 p.m. (50 minutes)

XSS attacks and mitigations are complex. Between CSPv3, Trusted Types, Strict Dynamic, CORP, and CORB, it's a lot to take in. In this talk, we'll cover what you need to know in order to implement efficient XSS defences at every layer.


  • Vladimir de Turckheim - Datadog
    Vladimir (he/him) is a software engineer focusing on Application Security at Datadog. He has been working on Node.js security for 5 years and now focuses on Web quality and security at large. Vladimir is in charge of the Node.js bug bounty program.
  • Jean-Baptiste Aviat - Datadog
    Jean-Baptiste Aviat is AppSec staff engineer at Datadog, former CTO and co-founder at Sqreen. He spent half a decade hunting security bugs at Apple, helping developers fix them, and developing protections used by millions of devices. He's the host of the appsecbuilders.com podcast. Prior to Apple, Jb was a full-stack, white-hat hacker for a consulting company, developing numerous security tools in whatever language he needed to hack into.


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