WireGuard from the ground up

Presented at BSidesSF 2022 Rescheduled, June 4, 2022, 11:05 a.m. (25 minutes)

What is WireGuard, how does it work, and when should you use it? Simply put, WireGuard offers end to end encryption of traffic between two endpoints. We’ll cover WireGuard's implementation, protocol, and cryptography and compare it to IPsec, ngrok, and OpenVPN in terms of security and performance.


  • David Crawshaw
    Crawshaw likes writing computer programs and accidentally turned it into a career, a decision he works every day to not regret. He’s not a cryptographer or a security person, but he likes maths and thinks elliptic curves are pretty neat and/or infuriating. Worked at Google for a while, writes lots of Go (and C, but only when no-one is watching). He’s the CTO of Tailscale.
  • Maya Kaczorowski - Tailscale
    Maya is a Product Manager at Tailscale, providing secure networking for the long tail. She was mostly recently at GitHub in software supply chain security, and previously at Google working on container security, encryption at rest and encryption key management. Prior to Google, she was an Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company, working in IT security for large enterprises. Maya completed her Master's in mathematics focusing on cryptography and game theory. She is bilingual in English and French. Outside of work, Maya is passionate about ice cream, puzzling, running, and reading nonfiction.


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