Redefining Threat Modeling: Security team goes on vacation

Presented at BSidesSF 2022 Rescheduled, June 4, 2022, 3:30 p.m. (50 minutes)

Threat modeling is an important part of a security program, but as companies grow you will choose which features you want to threat model or become a bottleneck. What if I told you, you can have your cake and eat it too. It is possible to scale your program and deliver higher quality threat models.


  • Jeevan Singh - Twilio Inc
    Jeevan Singh is a Security Engineering Manager for Twilio, where he is embedding security into all aspects of the software development process. Jeevan enjoys building security culture within organizations and educating staff on security best practices. Jeevan is responsible for a wide variety of tasks including: architecting security solutions, working with development teams to resolve security vulnerabilities and building out security features. Before life in the security space, Jeevan had a wide variety of development and leadership roles over the past 15 years.


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